Simplify your resolutions

The New Year is here, and of course with it comes all of the resolutions people will be making. Resolutions can be good for motivation, however the thought of keeping them for a whole year seems to be unrealistic in a society where we are always busy. Some people may be able to keep them, but the majority cannot stick to them for a long period of time.


Of course, the biggest resolution of all is weight loss and health. This is the one that all companies can use to make new customers in the New Year. The gyms will have specials and deals so you are motivated to get roped in to a new membership. You can see that it is an unrealistic goal because people make it their resolution multiple times in their lives.


There are positives to resolutions though: working on your GPA, finding a job or even just graduating from school. I find that these are the more realistic goals. These resolutions can help secure your future. They also aren’t focused on image, which I believe is healthier for your mind. Working on your intelligence and your emotional self can make you a better person. Not everything has to be based around looks just because it’s a new year – it can involve your mentality as well.


Set a resolution you know you can stick to, and one you know is achievable – even if it is small. At least you have more of a chance at achieving it than trying an unrealistic one and feeling disappointed after.

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