What’s so scandalous about a scandal?

We have all heard enough of these political scandals getting fed on by the media, but have we considered that the politicians are the ones reaching out with the food? Let us take a closer look into what it is…

Categories: Features

Rob Ford has had enough… and gets enough

November 15th, 2013 – TORONTO, ON: Toronto’s Mayor, Rob not only used graphic language but finally cracked and admitted to being “pushed over the line,” while apologizing for his comments towards released police documents. Early Thursday morning, new allegations we’re…

Categories: News

Ford repents … Kind of.

By Swathy Sooriyakumar, Staff writer and Nathanael Lewis, News Editor November 7th, 2013 – TORONTO, ON: Toronto Mayor, Rob Ford is in the fire again after the release of a video. Not the crack video everyone has been expecting, but another…

Categories: News

Nation of scandal: What is going on with Canada?

  It is hard to turn on the news or read the paper without being blasted with coverage of scandals in our country. Scandals and controversy are a part of life and government, and part of the media’s job is…

Categories: Features

MLB on drugs

Alex Rodriguez is now the face of a new performance-enhancing drug scandal that has hung over Major League Baseball for the better part of the 2013 season. With reports of a life time ban all the attention is put on…

Categories: Sports