Femme Supreme and the Vangels — Issue #1: The Raid

Thando Bhebhe / Lead Infinitum Writer Sehrin, 1973, Africa Minor   I   High up in the black sky with twinkling stars, the wind whirled, spun and swirled, warning.  We heard the call, the cry of wolves.  They were here.  They went by many names,…

Categories: The Infinitum

Izabella Corniel: Laurier’s female Van Gogh

GRAPHIC BY NATASHA O’NEILL / THE SPUTNIK PHOTOGRAPHY   In honour of International Women’s day, a day to embrace and appreciate femininity’s beauty, The Sputnik interviewed Izabella Corniel.   Corniel is a fourth-year Laurier Brantford student from London, Ont., who…

Categories: Arts & Culture

The evolutions of the “f” word

I used to cringe at the sound of the “F” word. It is a word exclaimed – not just said – under the most undesirable circumstances, such as when your finger gets caught in the door. When a group of…

Categories: Opinion