Got a spare Friday night? Go check out the ROM

Patrons get to enjoy a cold one while perusing ROM's many exhibits. Photo by Amber Richardson.
Patrons get to enjoy a cold one while perusing ROM’s many exhibits. Photo by Amber Richardson.

Friday nights through the end of June are exceedingly live at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. Friday Night Live, the name of the event that is running until the end of the month, is held every Friday evening from 7-11 p.m., complete with drinks and a wide array of food options.

Tickets are available for $12, and food and drink tickets are $6 and are good for anything from mixed drinks to Hawaiian pulled pork. This event is perfect for any 20-something who is dying to be cultured while still remaining cool. Attendees have full range of the museum, and can explore the dinosaurs, fluorescent minerals, antiquities, and everything else in between. If you thought the museum was fun as a child, try visiting when you’re a few drinks in—that T-Rex gets a whole lot sweeter.

Each Friday Night Live event has a different theme, and range from Strictly Forbidden, displaying artifacts from China’s forbidden city to ROM Pride, celebrating World Pride in the museum. On June 13, the theme was Indigenous Now, and there was a myriad of projected displays, exhibiting photos from Idle No More, as well as musical performances from Aboriginal artists.

If you find yourself wandering around in Toronto on a Friday night, or if you feel like making the trek downtown, the ROM is probably the most fun you can have in the city for under $50. Better yet, if you’re a member at the ROM you’re guaranteed free entry into the event before 8 p.m.

We’re at the age where going to the museum is cool again—especially when there’s live music and you get to explore old bones while sipping a vodka cran.

live music and you get to explore old bones while sipping a vodka cran.

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