Get to know your Brant MPP candidates

Dave Levac – Liberal The incumbent MPP for Brant has held his position since 1999. A major part of the Liberal platform for education is a 30 per cent reduction in tuition. The Ontario Liberal Party has already contributed to…

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Candidates answer to students at debate

With the upcoming provincial election candidates are hard at work on the campaign trail, one of their many stops was at Laurier Brantford for an all-candidates debate and open forum on the issues affecting students. The debate was organized jointly…

Categories: News

City acquires Club NV’s lease

The City of Brantford has arranged to purchase the largest property in downtown Brantford. The purchase includes Market Square, the downtown mall which currently houses Williams, and a large number of city services. The purchase also includes the building which…

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Prang’s opening for business

One of the things that many university students have in common is a love of coffee. That wonderful drink that fuels so many through late night work and study sessions and those marathon prep sessions that always seem to accompany…

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Brantford looks to update transit system

Brantford city council has recently agreed to a proposal to create a new downtown transit terminal. The project is in its earliest stages as the city still has to proceed with examining several possible sites for the new terminal. While…

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When business trumps morality

A surprising investigation into the operations of British tabloid News of the World recently revealed that the paper has been obtaining stories illegally. The tabloid is owned by News Corporation, the world’s second largest media conglomerate better known in Canada…

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Goodbye, Jack

Canada continues to mourn as one of its greatest political leaders has left us forever. After a lengthy battle with cancer, beloved New Democrat Party leader Jack Layton has passed away. Layton died on August 22, 2011 at his home…

Categories: News

Losing London: Trying to put the riots in perspective

Up until a month ago, someone hearing the word “riot” may generally think of some conflicted Middle Eastern dictatorship or maybe a disappointing loss for the Canucks, but few people would think of London, England. One of the most economically,…

Categories: News

The world in retrospect: Forgotten stories

When a big event hits the headlines it becomes the talk of the town for a few days, but quickly fades away in today’s web-driven media world. However, many of these events continue to unfold long after the news desk…

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Famine supplies believed stolen from UN

Since July a severe drought has been affecting East Africa, and Somalia, in particular. As a result of the drought several countries and more than 12 million people are facing severe food shortages. Conditions in some parts of Somalia have…

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About Brantford

Beginning university is a time of change for first year students. September brings a new school environment, new friends, and in most cases, all of this takes place in a brand new city. New students to Laurier Brantford can expect…

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