The Queen of the Green and the Secret Garden 

Contributed Photo / FreepikThis photo was generated with AI. I  Mary Lathra’s story began with her mother, Priya Lathra. Mary’s fondest and most intimate moment with her beloved mother was at her birth. Once she’d left her mother’s arms and…

Categories: The Infinitum

Femme Supreme and the Vangels — Issue #1: The Raid

Thando Bhebhe / Lead Infinitum Writer Sehrin, 1973, Africa Minor   I   High up in the black sky with twinkling stars, the wind whirled, spun and swirled, warning.  We heard the call, the cry of wolves.  They were here.  They went by many names,…

Categories: The Infinitum

Lady Day and the Dark Dame

Thando Bhebhe / Lead Infinitum Writer The story I’d been planning to write took me to the Republic of Fauxland, located just off the Eastern coasts of Canada and the United States. The country was a lot like its neighbors;…

Categories: Features, The Infinitum

Roses are Red, You are Dead

Thando Bhebhe / Lead Infinitum Writer What is morality, where do you draw the line and who’s stopping you from crossing it? I like to think that we all have a code, a nice little list of dos and don’ts,…

Categories: The Infinitum

Sour Oasis

Bachir Miloudi / Sputnik Photography  “I saw the ad on a newspaper.”  “A newspaper?”  “Yep, right in print during my morning coffee.”  “Huh, she really did it.”  “Yes, she did it, all for you!”  “How about you, why did you…

Categories: The Infinitum

Eve’s Parable

Thando Bhebhe / Lead Infinitum Writer I  As Eve stared back at the computer, she saw the white spaces of the page, the world reflecting back, possibilities as infinite as the story she could tell, as the world she lived…

Categories: The Infinitum

A Miracle Before Christmas

Olga Steblyk / Sputnik Photography Thando Bhebhe / Lead Infinitum Writer Thando Bhebhe / Lead Infinitum Writer I  The Night Before Christmas  I don’t know what to feel anymore.I feel like I’ve felt everything.  That the feelings are so deepThat they’re…

Categories: The Infinitum

Welcome to the Jungle

Contributed Photo / Unsplash The year was 1968, I remember those days of past, the bright yellow sun sizzling on my skin, the sound of the ocean battering on the beach, ahhhhh, good times.   “Don’t get lost now, stick to…

Categories: The Infinitum

Blood for blood

Serena Anagbe / Photo EditorA sunset by a house. There’s a story of a father.  A father and his sons  His sons ran to their friends.  Their friends told them what happened.  ‘’They beat us, they beat us up, they…

Categories: The Infinitum


Karen Savoy / Sputnik Photography It all started with darkness. This was a darkness that worsened with each heartbeat, one of clenched eyes that tightened in retreat only to discover more darkness. An invisible finger that writhed against sweating flesh,…

Categories: Features, The Infinitum

I Am Become Death

Karen Savoy / Sputnik Photography There is a story I once heard, a story of a hero who stole fire from the Gods. He gifted the first flame to mankind, and the Gods watched as a spark of fire erupted…

Categories: The Infinitum

To my eternal, I’ll always answer

Karen Savoy / Sputnik Photography Flowers blooming. Haunted by that dream of tomorrow,  that nightmare of mortality,   of foolish hubris,  of realized delusion, of fiery hell burning upon the once green,   the once alive,  the once beautiful,  so beautiful and clean,  promising and pure.  Oh why,  why did…

Categories: The Infinitum

When it happens

Karen Savoy / Sputnik Photography You know how it feels when it finally happens? When everything just clicks, when all the pieces fall into place, the stars aligning, eyes glancing in lock as for that single second, you finally clutch…

Categories: The Infinitum


Photo Contribution by Karen Savoy Anything is possible, believe in yourself, you can achieve whatever you set your mind to, there is nothing stopping, stopping, stopping, STOPPING——–  Lost transmission. Brace for landing, repeat, brace for landing, WE’RE GOING DOWN! Down…

Categories: The Infinitum


Night is black, streets are wet, tears stream down in weep. Hands raise, red reflects, warm and cold with guilt, knees crack in stumble. Bowed both body and soul, sky returns gaze, a single blink and its day. Sun sets,…

Categories: The Infinitum

Right Place, Right Time

PHOTO BY Corentin LE LEANNEC ON Unsplash He was at the right place, at the right time, and viola, his dreams came true. Some will call it luck, some will call it hard work, others will speak to it as destiny,…

Categories: The Infinitum


Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash  His name didn’t matter, if he was being honest, nothing mattered anymore. For a long time, he’d always struggled to find the meaning of it all, the pleasure and bliss of being alive.…

Categories: The Infinitum

Enter the Metaverse

PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY MOLLY SIMPSON / SPUTNIK PHOTOGRAPHY When the pandemic hit, everything changed. It wasn’t just the victims of the virus, the surging of hospitals and the closing of countless businesses.  People’s lives were changed, and the world was…

Categories: Opinion

Why we shouldn’t “eat the rich”

PHOTO BY David Suarez / Unsplash  “Eat the rich” – this line has encompassed the current attitude of the world towards wealthy individuals in the past few years. In the west, a reckoning seems to be erupting as economic disparities have…

Categories: Opinion

Halloween Takes Over the World

PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY MOLLY SIMPSON / SPUTNIK PHOTOGRAPHY With October coming to a close, the streets go dark as it’s last night sets in, the streets run crooked with tall mischievous trees looking beneath as they stand guard for houses…

Categories: Opinion

The Games Lounge, a much-needed retreat

PHOTO BY SERENA ANAGBE / SPUTNIK PHOTOGRAPHY As reading week comes to a close, the pressure of university is likely to skyrocket as classes resume and bring with them a mass of soon to be due assignments and midterms.   …

Categories: Opinion

Having an Exam Before Reading Week

PHOTO BY SARA SHEIKH / SPUTNIK PHOTOGRAPHY The first weeks of university can be very hectic for students, especially first years. On top of having to be thrown right into the frontlines of university tier education, students have a lot…

Categories: Opinion