Are viral fear tactics just media hype?

When you think of getting a virus it instills fear, this is largely due to how the media portrays them. Dr. Penelope Ironstone, associate professor of Communications Studies at Laurier, has started looking into the idea of the portrayal of…

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Flu Season is on its way

With October fast approaching, Brantford and Laurier health centres are preparing for the flu season. “The flu lasts about 7-10 days, it potentially shuts a person down for a week or two,” said Richard Hesch, a public health nurse with…

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Laurier Brantford nurse says H1N1 vaccine is a must

Controversy about the H1N1 vaccination has arisen recently, specifically regarding several people in Canada who have had allergic reactions to the shot. Although there are some typical side effects to the flu shot, including muscle aches and congestion, the chances…

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