9/11 ten years later

This past week, airwaves all over the world have been full, nay, clogged with news and analysis of what happened on that fateful day ten years ago. September 11th had become the crux of the 21st century and virtually every…

Categories: Opinion

Survival: Human behavior in times of crisis

It’s one of those days everyone can say, “I remember where I was when it happened…” Even those who were children at the time can at least remember their parent’s fear or the excited chatter of some huge plane crash…

Categories: Features

The world in retrospect: Forgotten stories

When a big event hits the headlines it becomes the talk of the town for a few days, but quickly fades away in today’s web-driven media world. However, many of these events continue to unfold long after the news desk…

Categories: News

Famine supplies believed stolen from UN

Since July a severe drought has been affecting East Africa, and Somalia, in particular. As a result of the drought several countries and more than 12 million people are facing severe food shortages. Conditions in some parts of Somalia have…

Categories: News