Losing a plane in the 21st century

After Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was reported missing at 2:40 MST (Malaysia Standard Time), I feel I asked myself the same question thousands of others around the world did as well. How, in 2014, can we simply lose a 63.7…

Categories: Opinion

Famine supplies believed stolen from UN

Since July a severe drought has been affecting East Africa, and Somalia, in particular. As a result of the drought several countries and more than 12 million people are facing severe food shortages. Conditions in some parts of Somalia have…

Categories: News

Notes from the Gold Coast: First World Problems

Have you ever received that chain-email with pictures of the less fortunate in Africa? They usually remind us to be thankful for what we have with graphic images of Africans living in appalling conditions; an African child’s feet in sandals…

Categories: Opinion

Irene: A debate in media hype

Before Hurricane Irene hit the eastern shores of the United States, one tuning in to CNN may have expected the apocalypse to rain down. Reporters in bright red or yellow rain jackets stood in cities along the shores of the…

Categories: News, Opinion

Losing London: Trying to put the riots in perspective

Up until a month ago, someone hearing the word “riot” may generally think of some conflicted Middle Eastern dictatorship or maybe a disappointing loss for the Canucks, but few people would think of London, England. One of the most economically,…

Categories: News

The world in retrospect: Forgotten stories

When a big event hits the headlines it becomes the talk of the town for a few days, but quickly fades away in today’s web-driven media world. However, many of these events continue to unfold long after the news desk…

Categories: News