Idle No More turns to City Hall

Idle No More protest City Hall
Photo by Kim Jackson

Idle No More has become a global movement. For a slight recap, protesters all across the country stated their action to protest the Harper government and fight for aboriginal rights and affairs.

The government has imposed bills that will change treaty agreements for the indigenous peoples of Canada in order to mesh with those of the United States and the Universal Declaration of Human Right. Currently laws that have been passed will infringe on reserve lands as well as water and other rights. As discussed on the highly liked Facebook group, Aboriginal members feel as though these bills are trying to take away some of their sovereignty and rights that they have become accustom to.

First Nations people are not proposing a fight with the government, but rather stating firmly how they would like to try and to find a way where both sides of the deal are happy with the decisions made and that both can equally benefit.

On January 28, there was a flash mob round dance at Branford City Hall. This day was to be recognized as a national day of action in part of the Idle No More campaign. Brantford specifically has a relationship with First Nations members and as a course of action; there has been request for certain land claim issues and developments to be resolved.

Brantford Six Nations outline their want and need for peace, respect and friendship within the community. Also they have requested to be taken seriously when it comes to respecting their land, city boundaries and livelihoods.

The turnout of the event held at City Hall was great. They mayor was in attendance as well as a great amount of community support.

“We will continue to fight on and ignore the negative attitudes, hatred and jealousy that I guess will always continue to thrive on our Reserve. We will continue to fight and we are going to win. As you are aware of, the spiritual world and our ancestors are behind us 100%,” said Cheryl Squire, a member of the Facebook event.
All over the country meetings and events will continue to happen in order to discuss both government and First Nations side. Public interest has grown increasingly strong encouraging local communities and global communities to get involved and pay attention to news happening now.

More information about the events and campaign itself can be found online at

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